Commissioners Vote to Rehire Retiring Water Resources Manager
October 19, 2022 by Private: Brian Doering

Geauga County Commissioners unanimously approved rehiring David Osborn to the position of operations manager for the county Department of Water Resources during their Oct. 18 meeting.

Geauga County Commissioners unanimously approved rehiring David Osborn to the position of operations manager for the county Department of Water Resources during their Oct. 18 meeting.

Commissioners held a public hearing Oct. 13 to consider rehiring Osborn — who had been planning to retire soon — at a lower rate until they train someone in-house to replace him.

“He came to us and was interested in retiring and was going to pursue that,” water resources Director Steve Oluic told commissioners last week. “A retire-rehire came up and since we had nobody internally for that position ready yet, we did advertise the position.”

Oluic said two applicants had applied for the position, which included Osborn and another gentleman, who did not have the requisite background for the position.

“That position oversees 29 guys in the field. I would like to consider rehiring him at that position at a reduced hourly rate,” said Oluic. “He will be forgoing two months of retirement pay to stay on the job.”

Oluic added Osborn has been working with the department since he was 17 years old and has been there ever since.

“He is highly skilled and competent. Our goal is to groom someone internally to assume his role within the next couple of years,” said Oluic.

Commissioners agreed Tuesday to rehire Osborn at the rate of $39.19 per hour with healthcare coverage effective Nov. 1 and with a one-year probationary period. The offer of employment will be contingent upon the successful completion of required pre-employment conditions.

In other business, commissioners approved the following:
• An agreement between commissioners and ADS Environmental Services to perform a temporary flow monitoring study and I/I analysis for a period of 90 days in an amount not to exceed $99,700.
• An Ohio Water Development Authority fund payment request for the McFarland Wastewater Treatment Plant renovation and upgrade project for technical services by HDR Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $65,838.
• A contract agreement between Geauga County, the DDC Clinic and A. J. Goulder Electric, Inc. for the DDC Clinic generator replacement project under the community development block grant in the amount of $65,165. Funding for the project will include $55,100 from CDBG and $10,065 from the DDC Clinic.