Chardon BOE Honors Businesses, Welcomes New Admins
June 20, 2024 by Amy Patterson

The Chardon Schools Board of Education honored four local businesses with nominations to the Ohio School Boards Association’s Business Honor Roll during their meeting June 17.

The Chardon Schools Board of Education honored four local businesses with nominations to the Ohio School Boards Association’s Business Honor Roll during their meeting June 17. “This is a program offered through the (OSBA) where school districts can recognize business leaders and businesses that have made a significant contribution to the school community,” Superintendent Michael Hanlon said. First up for recognition was Dumpster Bandit, LLC, owned by Caitlyn and Mark Horvath. Hanlon said the pair are regular supporters of Chardon Schools through their business and recently donated $1,000 to the Chardon Middle School teacher wish list. “This generous donation will...