Chagrin Hunter Jumper Classic Takes Off July 5
June 27, 2024 by Ann Wishart

One of Geauga County’s premier charity events – the Chagrin Hunter Jumper Classic – will come galloping into July next week at Chagrin Valley Farms in Bainbridge Township.

One of Geauga County’s premier charity events – the Chagrin Hunter Jumper Classic – will come galloping into July next week at Chagrin Valley Farms in Bainbridge Township. The annual horse show for both amateurs and professional riders is celebrating 75 years of equestrian tradition and competition with the support of a new presenting sponsor this year. The main outdoor hunter ring of the Chagrin Hunter Jumper Classic will be named the Carr & Day & Martin Hunter Arena as part of the presenting sponsorship, according to a press release for the CHJC. Horses and riders sparkle and shine as...