Letters to the Editor
April 14, 2022 by Submitted

Like a Reunion!

What a turnout for Wednesday night’s (April 6) Newbury trustees meeting. All of those that used to attend the Newbury school board meetings were there. The “It’s Time Group,” former Newbury School Board President and others that absolutely said over and over again that the township could not afford a $1.2 million levy to keep the school open, came out to say, “We need a levy (my guess is in the $1.2 million range) to buy back and maintain the intermediate building” we gave away during a territory transfer of the school (along with $4.3 million of taxpayer money).

Remember the referendum they shot down and refused to sign to allow the school issue on the ballot for the residents to decide? Now they are clamoring that the buy-back of the property, building and needed levy “should be up to the residents to decide.” Their hypocrisy is deafening.

I can’t believe how they can say they love the West Geauga school district and then throw all of the West G board members under the bus claiming they “haven’t been fair” and “haven’t communicated with the task force” enough.

As I have said before, I am for retaining the intermediate building. I am for retaining a small piece of land for the community. I am for fiscal responsibility.

I am NOT for being lied to again and again and again by the same group of people that somehow can look a Newbury resident in the eyes and lie to them with a smile on their face.  We deserve better than this.

This process of a buyback of land we paid for (and gave away) has been botched from the start.  If there is a way to do this responsibly for the citizens of Newbury, it will be in spite of the task force, not because of it.

I urge everyone to come to a trustees meeting and find out what is going on in our town. Take pride in our community. While our numbers may be few, our voices are very strong.

Phil Paradise Jr.
Newbury Township

An Educator’s Educator

I want to thank Kenston Schools Superintendent Nancy Santilli for enriching the lives of thousands of students and for working superbly with parents and her colleagues.

Superintendent Santilli improved the national standing of every district she served, which is why she is distinguished in her field. She innovates, inspires, and motivates. Her diplomatic skills remedied many issues.

Great educators instill curiosity, create an awareness of beauty and imbue a yearning to learn for a lifetime. Superintendent Santilli is a role model with all of these talents. She is an educator’s educator. It will take a giant to fill her shoes. She is leaving Kenston Schools on a solid foundation with all she achieved.

Best wishes to Mrs. Santilli. Wherever she goes, she will raise the bar of excellence to an all-time high.

That is who she is. That is what she does.

Eileen Marie
Russell Township


Vindictive Political Move

Never again will I vote for a friend without vetting their qualifications.

Another Facebook friend post set me off Monday. I am tired of political campaigns that don’t focus on the facts. I was taught, “Actions speak louder than words.” Unfortunately, social media appears to not hold posters accountable for misleading and non-factual posting. I view social media as “politician speak on steroids.”

My reply to Diane Grendell began, “Is this really the type of campaign you want to be remembered for?” I said I was ashamed of her disgraceful “attack behavior” and that many of her past decisions could easily shed darkness on her medical and judicial careers if used. I asked if she would PLEASE keep to the issues detailing how she will provide a better fiscal operation for Geauga County, not Columbus!

How, in the Lord’s name does she expect to take over a dedicated and potentially hostile operation without ever having her “boots on the ground” or demonstrating a solid career in accounting. Participating on a financial committee does not qualify to run a countywide auditing operation.

As a taxpayer, I have personally attended every Geauga County budget committee hearing since 2017. I have NEVER seen her there. When I ran for the Munson fiscal office in 2019, she supported me with a friend request while Chuck Walder provided me with significant township details in spades.

I have over a 50-year background in fund accounting and financial software development and execution and still needed help. What qualifies an RN-Lawyer/Politician to handle a new career at 76?

I can attest to outstanding improvements in the auditor’s office operation under Walder and in no way can I find fiscal or management fault with the record of Chuck Walder. He is a hardworking, dedicated and trustworthy public servant not afraid to protect his representation of us to the highest authority.

I view the Grendell campaign as a one-sided “fairy tale smear campaign.” Everything done to date is clearly political speak. To me it is a vindictive political move to circumvent the issues with empty promises and claims.

Diane, if you truly believe you have any chance to win, I would suggest you seek out local endorsements, if any remain, be factual to your qualifications and specific plans to improve the auditor’s operation.

I personally think you should retire on a positive note, enjoy being a doting grandmother and recuse yourself from your husband’s issue with the auditor.

Richard Ferlin
Munson Township

Sticking with Walder: Best Auditor in Years

It seems we are now going to have two primaries in Ohio, wasting Ohio taxpayers millions of our  tax dollars because of the extra primary.

Our state legislature could have easily passed a simple law moving the primary to August — they did not. I called the office of our representative, Mrs. Grendell, twice just recently and asked if she would be showing some leadership and saving millions of our tax dollars by strongly advocating  moving the primary to just August. The legislative aid did not know. I asked him to get back to me . . . he did not and Mrs. Grendell has been silent on this point.

Is this the woman who professes to be the “Watch Dog of The Treasury?” Some watch dog! Maybe like having a German shepherd  watch over a nice steak that just fell on the floor.

I understand a second primary will cost  an additional $20 million of our tax dollars or so.  This expense could easily have been avoided. Where was the woman who seems to indicate that she “watches over our tax dollars?” Have you seen her billboards? The last I heard leadership may try to pay for this by weaseling the money from COVID-relief  funds.

Many of you folks remember Sarah LaTourette, our state representative prior to Mrs. Grendell. Her aid was always very helpful and faithfully returned phone call with information requested and listened to suggestions and comments. Mrs. LaTourette would meet with constituents, typically once a month to communicate face to face with folks. I’ve called Mrs. Grendell’s office many times since she has been in office and asked if she would be having any similar meetings with constituents. I never did get an answer — and I don’t ever recall  getting a return phone call. Typically I just left a massage on her answering machine.

Is this the kind of help we can expect of an Auditor Grendell? I’ll stick with an auditor that is  likely the most competent Geauga County has had in the 45 years I have lived in the county. I’m for re-electing Charles Walder as Geauga County Auditor.

John G. Augustine
Parkman Township

Claypool is True Patriot

In December 1776 Thomas Paine wrote these words: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”

We’re living in times now that are trying a lot of our souls, and we need true patriots like Skip Claypool who will stand up for us and work hard on our behalf to preserve liberty and integrity in our community.

Skip is neither a summer soldier nor a sunshine patriot, and he has never shrank from service to his community or his country. I wholeheartedly give my thanks and support to him for his courage, conviction, leadership and willingness to work hard on our behalf.

Lisa Luoma
Munson Township

‘Passionately Driven’

If one word could describe Skip Claypool in one word it would be “passionate.” He is passionate about his faith life, family life and, of course, his political calling.

I found that as a friend of his for 12 years Skip is passionately driven to be our advocate, protecting the interests of all Geauga County residents, corporations and businesses of sizes. Yes, upon occasion he can be “politically incorrect” — but his motivations are always perfectly correct.

 Dan Frenz
Russell Township

Claypool Considerate, Measured

I write to endorse Mr. Skip Claypool for the role of County Commissioner.

In brief, Mr. Claypool is a part of the reason my family chose to move to Geauga County. As a constitutional conservative only recently interested in politics, Mr. Claypool was one of the first people I met while considering either Lake or Geauga county.

Mr. Claypool consistently proves himself to be professional, capable, and fully cognizant of the important limitations of government, which are the foundation of our great country, and yet are in grave jeopardy.

Through each and every interaction with Mr. Claypool, I find him to be considerate and measured, which are attributes to seek in a County Commissioner.

Add his sound background in business, and his love of Geauga County, and we find the person I consider to be by far the best candidate for the role of Commissioner.

Jonathan R. Broadbent
Newbury Township

Walder Has Cybersecurity Skills Grendell Doesn’t

What do Akron Police Department, the City of Avon Lake, Lorain County Recorder’s Office and Kent State University-Portage have in common? The answer is that in the last three years they’ve all been victims of cyberattack or ransomware.

So, what’s different about Geauga County? The answer is that in the last four years there have been no successful intrusions under our current Auditor Charles Walder.

It’s a constant challenge to keep a $222 million county budget safe and Walder has done it and continues to do it every day.

Now, many people like the conservative policies that Diane Grendell talks about. But proposing legislation is not like running the auditor’s office. This office now requires a high level of internet technology skills, an understanding of hardware and software, engineering skills and accounting. Walder has all of these skills. That’s the reason we haven’t been victim of ransomware.

Grendell may have a variety of popular political positions, but they don’t translate into the ability to manage a complex countywide accounting system. Whether you like Diane Grendell or not is not the issue. The really good reason to choose Walder is that Grendell doesn’t have the skills to be able to do the job and Walder has done it successfully for the past four years. We don’t need a ransomware attack that could cost us millions.

David Partington
Munson Township

Grendell ‘O Rama in 15 Points

1) The new Ohio District maps involve a 100% GOP rural county, Geauga, combined with Cuyahoga County, a highly urbanized Democrat district. Why? You step on your own supporters. You just don’t care about the citizens of Ohio.

2) Geauga County has Tim and Diane Grendell.

3) Judge Grendell got in a sniff with Geauga Auditor Chuck Walder that went to court over the judge’s spending habits. Specifically: Wasting Our Tax Dollars!

4) Diane Grendell voted for the bill that allowed Ohio judges to have greater “ease” in spending our tax dollars.

5) The bill passed and Chuck Walder lost a court case that was attempting to curb spending and Save Geauga Taxpayer’s Cash!

6) That takes a large amount of audacity for a state government to bail out the judge like that.

7) That’s why the courts should start issuing warrants for the arrest of representatives if they do not produce a map that works.

8) The Grendells seem to wield power to influence change at state level, but who did that benefit?

9) Before Tim Grendell was the judge for the park board. Tim was the attorney who represented Geauga Park District in buying hundreds of acres of park property.

10) Ask the now Judge Grendell why in the name of common sense he left all the gas, oil and mineral rights with the sellers?

11) By doing that he has left “our” park land vulnerable to fracking and drilling.

12) What words could justify that?

12 ) The judge has enlisted his wife to form a cabal in regards to Geauga Tax Funds.

13) Maybe Diane would like to make transparent just how much the Geauga Park Board has “spent ” separating from the county in dollars and cents.

14) Also show how much “extra” taxpayers will be paying each year for services that were free from the county.

15) The endorsement from the president of the Ohio Taxpayers Group only showed me how disconnected these entrenched politicians are from reality.

Final Thought for the Day: Politicians only care about being re-elected. Statesmen on the other hand care about the next generation.

Gary Paoletto
Chester Township

Claypool Committed to Conservative Values

Geaugans deserve the best. After four years of a placeholder, it is time to re-elect Skip Claypool, Geauga County Commissioner.

Skip is committed to keeping our tax dollars in our county, not to be spent  by Cuyahoga County’s unelected NGO’S who control NOACA.

During Skip’s tenure as commissioner, he helped pay off long-term debt, he said no to government housing, and saved over $500,000 in the county budget. Skip is supported by seniors and veterans. You don’t have to wonder about his conservative values because  Skip is and has always been a conservative.

Please join me in voting for Skip Claypool, Geauga County Commissioner, May 3.

Elsie Tarczy
South Russell Village

Claypool Most Qualified

With 9 million$ of ARPA funding from DC, the County Commissioners must decide where this should be distributed, i.e., Chardon Township WWTD tie-in on Thwing Road.

Additionally, there is substantial funds from the OPOID settlement. ???? An important decision/////////.

The individual to be involved is Skip Claypool as a Geauga County Commissioner. He has served admirably as the conservative previously until a RINO was inserted 2018. This must be corrected on May3//////

There are not enough words to express how important to keep Geauga rural especially for the 20k Amish residents.

As a VietNam veteran and long-time resident and family man Skip is the most qualified to be Commissioner. Your vote for Skip is a vote for Geauga///////

Join me and the other concerned citizens.

Newell D. Howard
South Russell Village


Dvorak is a ‘Get It Done’ Guy

I’m writing to support a public servant who has proven himself to be exactly the person we need.

Jim Dvorak is running for re-election as county commissioner. He’s the chairman and has served since Jan. 1, 2019.

Jim is a “get it done” guy. Having lived in Burton for the past 50 years, we’ve had many trustees, but Jim was the one who initiated more programs and solved.

During the 11 years he served as a Burton Township Trustee, he supervised the road department, reducing the manpower expense by 33%, with no decrease in service. He changed the healthcare for township employees from a direct reimbursement plan to a group plan, which reduced the cost to taxpayers.

While our trustee, he was president of the of Geauga County Township Association for three terms. Along with county engineers Bob Phillips and Joe Cattell, he initiated the shared services committee and then this turned into the rental resource program, which enabled the Geauga County Engineer’s Office to purchase needed equipment such as backhoes and boom mowers. The funding for this was secured by an 11-year interest free $450K loan. The end result was savings for all the participants in the county.

Because of his strong support for veterans, he’s been a trustee of Geauga Veterans Inc. and spearheaded, through Burton-Middlefield Rotary Geauga Jeep Night/Geauga Jeep Invasion, with proceeds of $28,000 for local veterans.

Jim cares about our youth. He was instrumental in the establishment of scholarship programs for youth to attend Kent State. He organized fundraisers that provided $25,000 in funding, enough to fully endow this program.

Jim is a family man who takes pride in his wife and children and grandchildren. He has suffered the loss of a child, which is the most heart wrenching thing a person can endure and even during that loss he never wavered in his service. In fact, he initiated programs to prevent other parents from the same loss. He was a former director of the Red Tulip Project and was a big part of building the first safe sober house for women in Geauga.

With his “get it done” attitude, The Red Tulip House was built in 11 months.

Our families need more public servants like Jim. Choosing Jim with his unblemished past and his proven willingness to work for us is an easy choice.

Please vote for Jim Dvorak.

Mary Lambert
Burton Township

Don’t Let Auditor’s Office Turn into ‘Snake Pit of Politics’

Chuck Walder has earned the privilege of being re-elected as our Geauga County Auditor.

He is not a career politician jumping from one elected position to another in the shallow pursuit of personal gratification and narcissistic power tripping.

He has spent his entire working career in the private sector before becoming auditor in 2018. He entered into an office in disarray and quickly reformed it into a model operation, resulting in the Auditor of State Award for Geauga County’s successful fiscal year 2020 audit.

Walder has restored public trust in the auditor’s office and implemented many improvements in accounting standards while expanding transparency and reforming office operations. He embodies our desire for clean and transparent public servants.

His opponent, state Rep. Diane Grendell, is the epitome of a career politician and hyper-partisan power broker, as she has ping-ponged from one elected position to another and now hopes to throw a lifeline to her husband, Geauga County Probate Court Judge Tim Grendell.

Grendell sponsored Senate Bill 10 and House Bill 488, both designed to shield her husband from outside oversight of his court spending practices. Diane Grendell is succeeding in giving her husband an open checkbook with no accountability.

Now, in her final act of marital dedication, she aims to knock off Walder to stop his efforts at forcing transparency and accountable spending practices in the Grendell court. This unethical relationship in county government reminds me of the dark times in Cuyahoga County government under the leadership of disgraced and convicted Auditor Russo and County Commissioner Dimora.

Grendell recently claimed “residential property taxes increased 10% in 2021 under the current auditor.” She is insinuating that Walder raised your taxes, which is either a lie or incompetence on Grendell’s part.

The county auditor has no taxing authority and cannot raise or lower property taxes at their discretion. Under Ohio law, a general reappraisal is required every six years and a triennial update during the third year after the general reappraisal. Due to new tax levies passed by the voters and skyrocketing property values over the past few years, taxes are increasing. Grendell could have introduced a bill in the Ohio House to prevent taxes from automatically increasing with each reappraisal, but failed to do so.

The Geauga County Auditor’s Office must not be turned into a snake pit of politics by the Grendells. Retain Auditor Chuck Walder.

Chris Yaecker
Newbury Township

Questions About Chardon Township Road Levy?

 I don’t live along one of the roads that needs repaired in Chardon Township, but questions I keep in mind during the information gathering process regarding the Chardon Township Road Levy include: How will the road conditions affect the community as a whole?

I know what happens if the levy passes. The roads will get repaired. But what if the levy does not pass. Can the condition of the roads that need repair impact emergency response time for ambulance, fire and sheriff? Can the road conditions impact personal vehicle driver safety and personal vehicle maintenance?

What about the impact on the school busses that traverse those roads? Do the roads have to be plowed differently because of their condition?  How does this impact delivery trucks? Will the truck load weights be too much for particular roads and with reduction in load limits will the deliveries still be able to occur?

I encourage the Chardon Township residents to attend a Road Levy Information Meeting on Thursday, April 21, 7 p.m., at the Chardon Township Hall. Come get the facts regarding the levy directly from the source in order to make an informed decision.

Yvette Slusarski
Chardon Township


Vote for Skip Claypool

I’m writing this editorial because I’m for God, Family and Country. I question the editorials that I have recently read. There are deeper issues we should be concerned about. Common sense tells us that our country is going in the wrong direction.

Globalism, environmentalist and United Nations have seeped into our local system by allowing a committee in Cleveland of unelected officials called NOACA to make decisions for our land, water, air and transportation. We elect our commissioners to make the best decisions for our county.  Why would we want Cleveland involved? Skip has studied this situation and is the only man to get us out of it. Since Skip was our commissioner in the past, please re-elect Walter “Skip” Claypool again on May 3.

The most popular candidate is not always the best candidate. A controversial candidate that is knowledgeable will allow the change we need to go through to get our county out of this mess.  For more information see Skip’s website and get educated.

As far as our local Republican Party: Where are they and what have they done? I am not aware of any serious issues that they will resolve for conservatives like me.

Get educated about the real political problems. Join the Geauga County Tea Party who have guest speakers that educate us on issues that encroach on our freedom, such as critical race theory, equity, gender, public health, social emotional learning, education, etc.

Don’t allow the new language of the times to impose on our religion, parental rights, our children and our freedom. Be wise. Vote for Skip Claypool. At these uncertain times, you couldn’t find a harder worker who is knowledgeable and wise enough to question all these crazy policies coming down the pike.

Linda (Gyetko) Claypool
Montville Township   

Zombie Enemies of Democracy

A warning: Here in patriotic Geauga County we have enemies of democracy among us. Are you surprised? Their vocabulary is a good disguise. They say they “love our Constitution… our flag… our veterans… our freedom.”

But their actions reveal their intention. They seem to be indoctrinated into a cult way of thinking and behaving. Their words are code, which makes rational communication and dialog impossible.

They are a minority, but they are hell bent on their mission to gain control of our lives, our schools and our local government. They seem to inhabit a back corner of the local Republican Party, and they are targeting key elected positions such as school boards, county commissioners, county auditor and the local GOP itself.

Some 2022 elections in Geauga will be decided by the results of the Republican primary in May. This may be hard for some voters to understand, but when no other candidates choose to run for commissioner or auditor, for instance, then the Republican who wins in the primary will be the only choice on the ballot in November, and that Republican will win by default.

Take a look at the candidates on the Republican primary ballot, you will see at least two candidates who travelled to Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021, and attended a rally to challenge the validated presidential election results, a rally that turned into a violent attack on democracy. Lives were lost.

That event is a stark illustration of just how determined these enemies of democracy are in their quest for control. They remind me of zombies. The only way to stop them is to prevent them from reaching their goal.

Some Democrats and independent voters seem to be afraid to choose a Republican primary ballot. We are all citizens of the United States of America, our vote is a sacred right and responsibility, so use it where it will do the most good. There are good candidates on the Republican primary ballot, good people who have demonstrated clearly in word and action that they are devoted to serving the people of Geauga County, not the goals of a cult.

For the sake of democracy, choose a Republican ballot in the primary because one of them will be elected County Auditor and County Commissioner. Vote for the real Republicans, defeat the zombies. You can’t say I didn’t warn you.

Kathleen Webb
Munson Township