Geauga SWCD Offers Summer Stream Quality Monitoring
June 20, 2024 by Staff Report

Explore Geauga County streams and learn about their water chemistry and biology this summer by joining the Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District’s Millennium Youth Conservationists (MYC) team...

Explore Geauga County streams and learn about their water chemistry and biology this summer by joining the Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District’s Millennium Youth Conservationists (MYC) team. In collaboration with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Scenic Rivers Program, participants use kick seines, sediment sticks, water chemistry test kits and more to analyze the health of area streams and rivers while collecting official stream data.

All ages are welcome. Join for one outing or all. MYC is free and runs twice a month.

For more information, contact Colleen Sharp with the Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District at 440-834-1122 ext. 1766 or csharp@geauga.oh.go.